Wednesday, February 18, 2009

My phone

It is back. Now I need to find a new HTML code for blogspot cuz they fail with HTML coding, so many errors ): Fuck life.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


My phone got owned by Diana. That is all.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Long time no blog

Well it's been like forever since I blogged. Maybe because I have no time to waste on typing for 3 minutes and other shit. Yeah well, alot have passed since the last time I posted. Fun, boring, tiring, epic, hilarious, death defying and of course sadness. From school work to gaming weekeneds, alot of emotions fly around like the wind blowing. I've changed classes in school, which was bullshit since my counselor just tossed my classes around. I got a new phone, that totally pays off for the class change. We've been going to Little Tokyo arcade for two days straight already. It's fun actually. Even though the fucken rigged Initial D 4 CPU's are so hacked. I drove through a fucken car and lost cuz the other car can ram me but I can't ram him back. What a rigged game right. Oh well it's like fucken 30 degrees so I'll end my post here. Post later you j00bags :D